Modelling & Measuring Energy Risk
on the Nord Pool Market
26-28 September 2007, Oslo, Norway

Welcome to our first modelling conference with a specific Nordic focus.

The emergence and development of the power markets on the European continent is happening rapidly, and the connections between these and the Nordic market is getting closer. The Nord Pool market is perhaps the most developed and mature electricity market in the world, and by participating in the conference you will hear leading experts presenting their latest insights in the specifics of t his market.

Characteristic features of the Nord Pool market are its hydro power dominance and strong seasonal dependence with the potential for large price spikes during the winter. New factors like CO2 and a closer connection to the European market, influence the formation of prices on Nord Pool, and add to the complexity of risk management in the Nordic market.

The aim of this conference and workshop is to provide you with the latest modelling and risk management research, and to give cutting-edge analysis of energy trading and investment opportunities offered today in energy markets.

You will improve your skills in:

  • Co2 modelling
  • Cross-commodity modelling
  • Volatility modelling
  • Risk Management and modelling

Take this opportunit y to learn from the best and improve your skills  by getting the latest combined insights from top energy-market practitioners with some of the latest research from leading academics currently working in the field.

We hope to see you in Oslo!

Johanna Öberg
Project Manager
Fred Espen Benth
Conference Chairman

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